What used to be a luxury is now becoming the new normal. It can be a struggle to find a healthy work/life balance during these times. That’s why I want to share some helpful tips with you!
1. Define your workspace
Have a space that you designate as your workstation instead of checking emails, voicemails, or texting in front of TV or spreading work out on the kitchen table. If you don't have a separate room, find an area with minimum traffic flow or a corner of a room off from the main area.
2. Pace Yourself
Make a conscious effort to toil in the present moment as much as possible. Be mindful of your virtual coworkers, and consider eating, walking, and driving slower. Studies show that productivity is enhanced with balance. Plodding puts you at the finish line in time, plus you can enjoy life on your way.
3. Avoid Multitasking
Studies show that multitasking isn’t what it’s cracked up to be, that people who focus on one task at a time are calmer and more effective and productive. According to Harvard researchers, if you’re like the average person, you’re lost in thought 47% of the time, and multitasking can keep you stuck there.
4. Unplug and get some air
The best medicine for boosting your productivity is making sure you spend ample time in other pursuits besides productivity. Mother Nature didn’t design your body to be desk-bound for long periods of time. Set aside time for the present moment to clear your mind with yoga, solitary walks in nature, or meditation to take your mind off red alert.
5. Create a schedule
Establish a defined schedule and stick to it. Only go to your designated work space when you need to complete a task. Keep your work space at arm's-length after hours. Try to maintain the same hours you log at the office so you're not consumed by the workload.